When you submit your credit card information, our payment processor submits a request to your bank to verify your information. This request is known as an “Authorization”. The Authorization may appear as a $1 pending transaction on your billing statement, or in the case of a debit card, the authorization will appear in the full amount of the order. Debit cards require the full amount in the authorization to determine that funds are available for your order.
An Authorization is not an actual charge. Depending upon your card issuer’s policies, the authorization should be released automatically back to the account within 3-5 business days. Shutterfly Canada does not have any control over the amount of time your bank will hold the transaction, however, your bank should be able to tell you how soon the authorization will be released back to your account. If you are concerned, please call the customer service number on the back of your credit card and ask the bank's representative to confirm for you that you are seeing only a pending authorization.