Once you've placed an order, it is not possible to change it, so we recommend you cancel the order if it needs any changes.
How do I cancel my order?
1. Login and navigate to order history on top right of the website.
2. Select the order you wish to cancel and choose 'cancel order'.
Note - if you have multiple items in your order, you can cancel individual items.
How long do i have to cancel my order?
You have up to 40 minutes to cancel an order from the time you place it. To deliver your order as quickly as possible, we begin creating your customized products once this 40 minute window has passed.
You cannot cancel an order if it has been longer than 40 minutes since you placed the order.
Can I make changes to my order?
Yes! Upon cancelling your order you can modify the product, coupon code or shipping details and then re-order.