The date you can expect your one-of-a-kind Shutterfly items to arrive depends on two things: the amount of time it takes us to make them (2-3 days), and the shipping method you select.
Important: When you place your order we provide you the total shipping cost, but each item included in your order ships separately once it's finished. Items may also ship a day or two apart because some take longer to make than others. When each item is shipped, you'll receive notification from us that your purchase is on its way!
Refer to the below table for an estimation of how long it would take to produce and ship your order. Please always check the shopping cart for timings specific to your order basket.
- The days in the above table are based on business/working days.
- Please allow extra days for deliveries to remote locations and postal codes.
Delivery dates are an estimate only, not a guarantee, and reflect the total number of business days we estimate to make then deliver your order. The items you create are one of a kind, not something we pull off a shelf, so please allow us up to 3 business days to make your items before shipping your order. Once your order ships, the mail services we use make every effort to meet expectations, but delays may occur and delivery may take longer, especially during the holiday season or due to weather.
Door-to-door tracking– If you select tracked shipping you can track your package from our fulfillment facility to your door. You’ll receive notification from us when your package is out for delivery and once it’s delivered to your home.